You can use the common logos font provided in our online designer to add some commonly used logos to your disc or packaging. To use this font you will type the letter corresponding to your desired symbol from the chart below, select the letter, and then change your font to the common logos font. We’ll go over those steps below.
Here is the common logos font chart:
For this example we are going to be adding the copyright symbol in front of the 2024 on this disc surface.
We’ll start by selecting this text by either double clicking on the text or clicking the layer on the left side that has the text we want to add to. This will place a box around our text. We’ll click the pencil tool above the text to edit the text.
Once we’ve clicked the pencil we can then click into the text box. I want to add the symbol to the front of the “2024” so I will click in front of the text and then type the desired letter corresponding with the chart above. For the copyright symbol, it will be an M.
After adding the “M” we need to highlight it. You can do this by clicking and dragging your cursor backwards or forwards over the letter. Make sure you only select the letter you wish to change.
While your letter is still highlighted, click the green font button at the top of the page. It will usually say the name of the default font, which is Roboto. When you click the font button, it will give you a number of different fonts to choose from. The first option with the symbols is the common logos font, select this font option.
As soon as you select this font, it will turn the letter you have highlighted to the corresponding symbol.
Now we have our copyright symbol on our disc in the place we want! You can also add a new text box and follow the same steps to add any of the other common logos listed in the chart above.
For more download the tutorial video below: