When looking at your proofs, take notice of the markings that we use in our templates. These show how the piece will be cut in the print shop.
Bleed is extending any color, photo, or design elements past the cut line. Bleed gives the print shop a margin of error when trimming, so that if the cut is a little off, the white of the paper won’t show along the edge.
Crop Marks show the print shop where to trim the pieces.
Safety Margins shows the outermost edge of where we can place important elements. If you put important information such as a song title or an important part of a photo right up against the crop line, some of it may get cut off. For that reason, we keep type and other important elements within the safety, 1/8” inside the crop marks.
Your disc proof will show the disc as it will be printed. (There is a masked layer over the top of your artwork to provide a more accurate print image. For full color discs, there is approximately 2mm of the silver disc showing around the outer edge. For glossy disc print, the entire surface will be covered).