What to keep in mind during your mixdown
Masters with excessive levels, clipping, or audible distortion may also prevent us from mastering your music project to its fullest potential. Leaving 3-4 dbs of headroom during mixdown is a good rule to follow to avoid clipping and distortion on your master.
It is recommended that processes such as compression, limiting, maximizing, etc. are not applied on the stereo buss during mixdown. A master that arrives already compressed and/or limited greatly reduces the ability of our mastering engineer to deliver the best sounding audio master possible.
If any of the above issues are found on your submitted master we may request that you correct the issue and submit a new master before we proceed.
We recommend hi-resolution formats such as WAV or AIFF files at 24-bit/44.1K (or higher sampling rates). Compressed file formats such as MP3, AAC, or WMA files are not recommended as a source for mastering.
Can’t submit a hi-res version? We also accept any of the following formats:
- Audio CD
- Data Files at 16-bit/44.1K sampling rate (WAV, AIFF, FLAC, etc.) on CD-R, DVD-R, flash drive, or via upload
- Digital Audio Tape (DAT)
- DDP file sets (on CD, DVD-R, flash drive, or via upload)
- 1/2" or 1/4" Analog Tape